novembroAlumni News - Artur Ceolin apresenta paper em Viena
Em evento que acontece anualmente em Viena, "The Austrian School of Economics in the 21st Century", nosso egresso Artur Marion Ceolin apresentou o artigo "How can we define and characterize intrapreneurship?"
Em sua décima edição, evento reúne professores e estudantes de Escola Austríaca de todo o mundo. Parabenizamos Artur pelo seu comprometimento acadêmico. Abaixo, resumo de seu trabalho:
"The present article aims to explain intrapreneurship through a composition of the alertness, judgment and productive organization approaches. We found that these approaches combined in a continuous process generate the best explanation to the subject, in which, in first place, the intrapreneurs must speculate the market opportunities, exercising their alertness; therefore, they must exercise their judgmental capacity to choose which opportunities are the best ones; later, they must organize the production to achieve their goals. Also, as entrepreneurship inside organizations, we appoint that intrapreneurship requires sponsorship and encouragement by the capital-owners.